Welcome to the Friends of St. Nic's PTFA page. We are a new group of parents and staff who have come together to raise money for the school for the benefit of all of the children who attend. We had our first AGM in April 2019 where we voted on our committee members. However, every parent, carer and member of staff is automatically a member of the PTFA. You can find our legally-binding constitution and code of conduct in the files below.
Everyone is welcome at our meetings, not just the committee, and we have plenty of activities at each meeting for children of all ages, so there is no need to worry that they will be bored. There are usually various snacks and drinks too, plus a nice cup of tea or coffee for the adults! We aim to have the agenda published here in advance of each meeting so you can see what we will be discussing. If you ever want to contribute but can't make the meeting, or would like to contact us about events, ideas etc, you can email us at [email protected], or you can find us on Facebook @friendsofstnics. Alternatively, you can chat to us in the playground anytime - please see below for the committee member list:
Chair - Amy Pritchard
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Vice-Secretary -
Charity Officer -
Communications Officer -
Committee Members -
School representatives- Ms Hinchliff and Miss Sampson.
We are all working parents so we understand the challenges of helping and attending events. We are big believers in many hands making light work and accept any and all help, no matter how small it may seem. For example, if all you can do is wrap grotto books at home for the Christmas fayre/sort raffle tickets/wrap lucky dip prizes/set up some tables/clean up after an event or run a stall at an event for half an hour, it all counts and is all appreciated, and means we all have more time to enjoy these events with our children.
We are always open to new ideas and suggestions, so please get in touch! Together, we can create something amazing, a real sense of community and belonging and enhance our children's education.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Friends of St. Nic's.